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19 • (future) political scientist • just finished 365 self portraits • was @rainsandshadows when i was younger
#2 9/365
1 streak
Day 172
I totally broke my streak so you have to see my face 3 or 4 times in a row now. Sorry. This was the hall where the party conference took place...
Day 174
mixed feelings
We had our work christmas celebration today and it was fun but I had a panic attack in the morning so I wasn’t feeling super well.
Day 176
subtle christmas
This is just my reflection in my advent calendar. I know it’s hard to see but it is there.
Day 183
christmas star
you watch the world in silence.
Day 185
red nosed reindeer
Got this little fella (and a car escape tool) at today’s secret santa.
Day 191
oh christmas lights
Another christmas market with my friend.
Day 194
see you again
At the annual high school reunion. This picture is super cute if you ignore my friend in the back making a weird face.
Day 211
want that hat
Just had the biggest panic attack of my life because I realized I was actually missing two pics. This should be one of the two, looks li...
Day 218
always being sick and tired
This might not exactly look like it but I actually had a great day, got offered a really interesting internship and defeat...
Day 220
in the basement
This was in the hotel/restaurant where my grandpa celebrated his 80th birthday.
Day 224
passing by
Neck still hurts pretty badly.
Day 226
feel like going insane
Got a fire in my brain and thinking of drinking gasoline. (RENT) Lots of public administration theory. Can’t wait for the exam...
Day 227
want it to be over
The exam phase feels like it never stops.
Day 229
see you on the other side
Two exams tomorrow.. but at least then I’m almost done with this semester.
Day 240
self care
I worked at my uni’s graduation ceremony and took care of the cloakroom, it was interesting but really tiring. At the end we got to take som...
Day 247
got a light?
I needed a new light bulb so I had to send a picture of the old one to my dad. I ended up recreating that because it actually looked pret...
Day 252
Headaches, woo.
Day 257
shine your light
So my mum got this new headband.
Day 258
bad news like a sucker punch
Lots of bad news today. But I still am going to Barcelona tomorrow so hope that will take my mind off things.
Day 273
make it stop
The situation is getting much worse. Nobody knows what is going to happen.
Day 282
sleep till this is over
Corona lockdown, day 6 or so.
Day 283
a pointless message
Probably watching movies in the living room again.
Day 288
window life
I just found a video from like 3 years ago where I sat in the same window but back then it was 16° and now it’s like 10.
Day 294
wish u were here
Videocalling my grandparents like every time I’m at my mum’s.