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agnieszka bladzik

#10 272/365
3,557 streak
Day 73
bialystok at night. for next 3 weeks i'm home, so no sea and sea birds #afternoon #evening #sunday #city #lights #bialystok #december #cathe...
Day 74
the gate of branicki palace in bialystok. raining all day long. at least after dark you can't see how awful this day was #night #evening #monday...
Day 75
sth different than city lights #afternoon #bird #tuesday #sparrow #december
Day 77
yet another ugly, rainy day. i don't feel Christmas at all #thursday #afternoon #december #appels #hart
Day 78
thistle #2
winter version of thistle. finally bit of snow and sun in the morning #morning #friday #frost #thistle #meadow #snow #december
Day 79
back to the meadow near my home. today full of frosty creations #afternoon #saturday #frost #meadow #december
Day 80
#forest #afternoon #sunday #winter #snow #december
Day 82
the texture of the fresh snow #afternoon #white #tuesday #snow #december #sparkle
Day 83
more of textures. this time every girl's must have for new year's eve - sequin dress #afternoon #wednesday #december
Day 84
happy new year - lego style. Inspired with all the lego stuff published recently I decided to play on my own. Those are my 20 years old legos. S...
Day 85
#friday #afternoon #january
Day 87
blue sky
just a bit of sun and blue sky today. strong wind was changing the weather every 5 minutes. just after i took this photo it started snowing #...
Day 90
winter creations
#afternoon #wednesday #january
Day 91
the black knight rises
this is a follow up to the killer bunny scene from 'monty python and holy grail'. I must say that i'm not totally happy with th...
Day 92
Pile of wood near Niegocin lake. It's always there. Photo taken from the train but after more then 7 hours on the way i have no power to do sth e...
Day 94
fast and furious
I went for a walk today thinking of another photo of the sea. Luckily for me there were motocross racings on the beach. Believe or no...
Day 95
#afternoon #monday #january
Day 96
dancing light
We have some creative workstream in our corporation. Today we were light painting. I think I've learnt a lot from more experianced peopl...
Day 97
I really like the cranes in the skyline of harbor cities #afternoon #wednesday #city #january #skyline #harbor
Day 98
harbor #2
Once again the skyline with the cranes. This time with the sunrise light. In fact today is a day without idea for a photo. Just those nice c...
Day 99
drama tulips
Tutorials are good. but i was totally not sure if tulips look good in this drama light. was thinking if i should replace this one with an...
Day 103
the dress
Friend of my was trying on the wedding dresses. I just coudn't resist #evening #tuesday #january
Day 105
#thursday #evening #anise #january
Day 106
duck #2
#friday #afternoon #january