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agnieszka bladzik

#10 357/365
3,642 streak
Day 1,677
window creeping
long time no strangers
Day 1,678
tall ships
i think of them as monuments of gdynia #theme-monuments
Day 1,679
i took only 4 photos today
Day 1,680
Day 1,681
coffee and talks
Day 1,682
half day foggy, storm, rainy and now sun
Day 1,683
sunday breakfast again
Day 1,684
nice cream
banana and p-butter nice cream #theme-sweet
Day 1,685
strawberry dessert
#theme-sweet just one more day and I will close an year with only vertical photos
Day 1,686
Day 1,687
#theme-sweet wonder when i will break my vertical streak. also all my sweets from thos week are sugar free
Day 1,688
fruity bowl
Day 1,689
another sweet jar
Day 1,690
#theme-sweet had some great time with friends, bake a lot today, they eat it all, tooks some godd mother-daughter photos
Day 1,691
healthy eating, swaps for sweets and portion control was the best habit I implemented last year #theme-habits
Day 1,692
go green
got it in exchange for electronic waste - taking care of enviroment it's good habit #theme-habits kind of
Day 1,693
ice cream
bad photo but good afternoon spent with friends
Day 1,694
egg and basil
Day 1,695
strawberry love
Day 1,696
perfect cookie
this time made by @carcharias
Day 1,697
Day 1,698
perfect weather
yes, after more then a year of all vertical photos it was time to turn my camera, also great summer day today #theme-weather
Day 1,699
Day 1,700
iced coffee