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agnieszka bladzik

#10 357/365
3,642 streak
Day 1,629
healthy bites
dates and oats and some protein, that what it is :) trying to improve poth cooking and food photography, going slowly
Day 1,630
long time no people
Day 1,631
follow the red line
Day 1,632
glass and stairs
Day 1,633
father and daughter
funny how time flies, i went to the wedding, I photoshot pregnancy while this little human was o...
Day 1,634
Syn and wind
First bike ride this year
Day 1,635
another cake from chickpeas
Day 1,636
#theme-blue i went to redo by blue ribbon shot this year but I was not happy with the result
Day 1,637
blue ribbon #5
Day 1,638
Day 1,639
oh my favorite time
Day 1,640
Day 1,641
vitamin sea
Day 1,642
Ciao italia
Day 1,643
Day 1,644
Second one out of 5
Day 1,645
Rain got me in the middle of the mountain. Got down with no power left. Good holidays thou, around 80km by foot in 3,5 days, complete brain reset
Day 1,646
#theme-early-bird was chaseing the sunrise in the train, but they are to blury
Day 1,647
Day 1,648
good start
Day 1,649
spring flowers
Day 1,650
lights and shadows
Day 1,651
got a cake from my new boss, he sits in London and did not come to gdynia today, yet the cake appeared
Day 1,652
thanks to tookapic I know that the same time last year I was riding bike across Holland, I miss the tulip fields #theme-bloom