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Aneta Dzienis-Skutnicka

#3 89/365
2 streak
Day 101
Small gesture of love
#friday #afternoon #august
Day 100
Hundred photos behind me :)
Ok, I thought about few ideas for this special photo. And even took few other pic with this number ;) But as my son is con...
Day 99
Hobby from my childhood: mushrooming
#morning #wednesday #august
Day 98
The fire...
#evening #tuesday #august
Day 97
A kuku!
#afternoon #monday #august
Day 96
Portrait from perspective of new treehome
#afternoon #sunday #august
Day 95
Lazy Saturday
#afternoon #saturday #august
Day 94
On new house: first look from above :)
#friday #afternoon #august
Day 93
Lonely Nenuphar
#thursday #evening #august
Day 92
Pure fun :)
#afternoon #wednesday #august
Day 91
Building in progress
#evening #tuesday #august
Day 90
#evening #monday #august
Day 89
Breakfast with grandparents
#morning #sunday #august
Day 88
#morning #saturday #august
Day 87
whole true about my son...
#friday #afternoon #august #t-shirts #theme-t-shirts
Day 86
the right man in the right place ;)
#thursday #evening #august
Day 85
Pure joy: first time on floor his own house :)
#afternoon #wednesday #august
Day 84
Daddy look! Railway tracks!
#evening #tuesday #august
Day 83
portrait in a bath
#evening #monday #august
Day 82
Part of playground on the town beach after heavy rains
#morning #sunday #july
Day 81
Barefoot by backyard
#afternoon #saturday #july
Day 80
My men build a tree house
#friday #afternoon #july
Day 79
Raining all day long
#thursday #afternoon #july
Day 78
Little gardener
#evening #wednesday #july