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Aneta Dzienis-Skutnicka

#3 89/365
2 streak
Day 77
#evening #tuesday #july
Day 76
Evening walk on the meadow
#evening #monday #july
Day 75
Pure fun with water
#morning #sunday #july
Day 74
Moment of reflection
#afternoon #saturday #july
Day 73
My beloved place and boat on Mazury
#friday #afternoon #july
Day 72
Selfie on the lake...
#thursday #afternoon #july
Day 71
New friend: Pimkie
#morning #wednesday #july
Day 70
Memory of family walk
I took this pic in Museum of Bialystok Village. I love this place...We have captured moments of our being together since we met...
Day 69
My first captured in my own garden... #morning #monday #july
Day 68
Selfie me or my camera?
I took this pic while my son was playing with headrest of our new sofas. That's an effect. #evening #sunday #july
Day 67
Pure joy :)
My son first time has so close contact with town fontains... I felt great seeing him so happy... #afternoon #saturday #july
Day 66
Man's talk on train station
Memory of great afternoon with friends #friday #afternoon #july
Day 65
Entry gate. Do not block ;)
#thursday #evening #july
Day 64
On Bialystok train station
I'm sorry to change the photo, but the longer I look at it the more I get sure, that it firstly shoud be that photo here on...
Day 63
Man with umbrella
#evening #tuesday #july
Day 62
Watching the storm
#evening #monday #july
Day 61
Muffins for special quests
#morning #sunday #july
Day 60
The construction foreman ;)
#morning #saturday #july
Day 59
Dove on the roof
#friday #afternoon #july
Day 58
Curiosity without barriels
Today my son finished 2.7 years. It's only one shot of his everyday non stop life discovery... #thursday #afternoon #july
Day 57
New car: Twistcar
It was raining all the day so we decided to go to the shop instead of playing on our yard. And we bought a new toy for our son. Now...
Day 56
Evening walk with daddy
My husband found today a great place to family walk. I took my camera and on the place I saw I had no card...So I took picture...
Day 55
Neighbour friends
#morning #monday #july
Day 54
#morning #sunday #july