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Alek Jedliński

#1 343/365
3 streak
Day 37
In the shadows
Day 38
Day 39
Wet pavement
Like the way sunstars came out in this photo.
Day 40
I realize it’s yet another leaf but the colors really are pretty this autumn :)
Day 41
The flag
Day 42
I made a small desktop studio for object photography, just to have a quick way to shoot stuff without going out. Works reasonably good, I think...
Day 43
Morning brew
Gotta weigh your beans.
Day 44
Day 46
Portal in the night
Day 48
Day 47
Green landscape
Day 49
Corvus corone
Day 45
Day 50
Leaf trouble
Seems our Monstera is having some issues, supposedly too much water.
Day 51
Keepin' on
Day 52
Good dog
He already knows when I ask him to sit. Now we are playing the „waiting game”.
Day 53
Just some bokeh
This is my fallback - really like doing these abstract photos if I don’t have an idea for something else.
Day 54
Using an adapted 300mm can be tricky, often photos are not focused properly or moved but some turn out OK.
Day 56
Day 57
Colorful sunset
Day 58
Reading in bed
Day 59
Windows in the night
Day 60
Day 55