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Alek Jedliński

#1 343/365
3 streak
Day 110
White powder
Day 92
Pen 12
Day 111
Day 112
Tea & gaming
Day 113
Morning coffee
Day 114
Winter landscape
Day 115
Longer days
Days keep getting longer and I am waiting for spring.
Day 116
Day 117
Mini shopping
Day 119
Xmas throwback
Still some decoration present in the neighborhood. And now, with the snow it’s looking pretty good.
Day 120
Logged in
Day 121
Blinking in the distance
Day 122
Good boy
Day 124
Day 125
People still party
Day 126
Glorious morning
Today was a very good day :)
Day 127
On a walk
Went on a run yesterday, hard to believe how much that improves my overall wellbeing.
Day 128
Bokeh by night
Love this kind of mood.
Day 129
Screw it.
Day 130
Went for a walk through the city today and it’s strange. Some people, but not many and all the restaurant and pubs (the ones still in busines...
Day 131
Ending a good day
Day 132
Watching TV with the dog
Day 133
Snowy landscape
Day 134