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#1 333/365
2 streak
Day 107
Lights in the dark
#night #tuesday #february #theme-city-lights
Day 114
My first audiobook
I thought this isn't for me. I like reading but I couldn't focus on listening to someone else reading to me. But when I knew I will...
Day 115
Packing for Iceland
Tomorrow I'm going to Warsaw, and on Sunday to Iceland! #night #wednesday #boots #packing #march #suitcase
Day 131
Yep, I'm an adult person
I had great plans for today, had so many ideas for where to go to take some awesome pics, but I just didn't feel like going a...
Day 155
Lazy evening
I finished all available episodes of "The 100" TV series. So now I started the book it's based on. It's different from the very beginning...
Day 163
Peaceful evening
Today after 10 hours of sleep I felt as if I came back from the dead. It was a busy day, had to clean my apartment, as there will be...
Day 170
Breakfast with friends in Kraków. Pavlova for three. And @ziusru photobombing the pic. ;-) #morning #food #snack #breakfast #tuesday #cak...
Day 177
French breakfast
My parents came for a short visit to Gdańsk in the morning, so we had a nice breakfast together. Today I feel more than ever that I n...
Day 181
Sunset in Gdynia
Today I consist mostly of sadness and helplessness. But I managed to kick my own butt and go to Gdynia at the sunset. And it was wort...
Day 203
You-won't-buy-an-apartment breakfast
Some time ago some millionaire said that you won't buy an apartment buying avocado toasts. Well, I really wanted...
Day 205
A good day. I did some editing and went to the cinema. And had some nice conversations with some people. Life is good. #afternoon #evening...
Day 220
Soup break
Packing and packing, and packing. I needed a break so I went to Chochla. I'll miss this place. The soups here are delicious. #afternoon #we...
Day 228
The exam is coming
I managed to unpack some really essential things. Like clothes and... pillows. I prepared myself a really cozy place to study, righ...
Day 252
Before the storm
This summer is really strange. But still I like to sit in such a weather on the pillows in my window and look at Warsaw. This was jus...
Day 268
Celebrating. Again. ;-)
Just another little personal success to celebrate. It was such a good day and such a nice evening! I want more. ;-) #afternoon...
Day 282
Sweet life
Lazy day. Terrible hungover. But it was so worth it. Life is sweet. #food #evening #candy #tuesday #sweets #sugar #delicious #easter #many...
Day 285
Light painting
It was the first photography workshop I was leading and it was so great! I truly love this job. I love being a photographer and it's fa...
Day 294
We haven't seen each other since February. Kaya visited Warsaw for a fashion fair with Saska Fashion's beautiful coats. It was great to spend a f...
Day 300
"Janusze kimchi"
We went to the Night Market in Warsaw, were we visited Polish-Korean pop-up restaurant. Potato pancakes with bacon and kimchi were re...
Day 18
Good gifts are good!
There is no chance that anything better happens to me today! #selfie #portrait #morning #thursday #food #people #happiness #decem...
Day 87
What if I fall?
#night #handmade #wednesday #pattern #february #dreamcatcher
Day 153
In the rain
Quick stop on the way to my family home. #afternoon #saturday #drop #rain #web #spider-web #april #trap
Day 166
Before the road
Most important meal of the day. I'm on the road again. I picked up a hitchhiker in Gdańsk and went to Poznań. It was a really good jou...
Day 169
On the road again. I just arrived in Kraków, so a quick portrait of one of my dearest friends - Rita. :-) Friends are family you choose, so...