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I'm not hoping for discovering great photographing talent in myself. I just wanna have fun and keep memories.
#2 63/365
105 streak
Day 111
I love lecho and today I made a vegan version of it. It was good. I just watched the Love Never Dies musical. I didn't expect it to be so bad! The mus...
Day 117
Day 118
Today our parents visited us unexpectedly. We spent some nice time together. I also get 5 for my assignment! :D #theme-technology
Day 131
New strings
Day 143
Day 151
Day 152
Day 159
Day 169
Milk with frozen coffee cubes. Omnomnom. Best summer drink.
Day 174
My last day in Białystok. I'm moving out tomorrow. Actually, I will come here to finish uni stuff or to visit my sisters. But I'm not gonna live here...
Day 190
The Presidential Election Day
I voted. I tried to choose the lesser evil. Now we need to wait for the results.
Day 194
Day 219
Yea, it's quite warm...
Day 220
I spent this evening with my parents on the lake. When my father is always the first one to go into the water, I prefer to take a walk in the near for...
Day 225
Day 226
Day 229
Day 233
I had a plan to make pants. I cut the fabric on Saturday and today I started sewing. It was going quite good, no major mistakes, even though I needed...
Day 234
Day 241
I have changed strings yesterday. Today started two ukulele challanges on Youtube. In one of them there is an opportunity to win a ukulele, so I'm def...
Day 249
Day 250
Sometimes we act like alcoholics. Whenever we have some bigger amount of fruits, they end up in vodka. 😅 Yesterday my brother got two bags of pears an...
Day 261
Day 268
I've completed the ukulele Chord Melody Challenge. I'm glad I took part in it. Now I'm hoping to be the lucky one to win the free ukulele. ^^ But even...