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I'm not hoping for discovering great photographing talent in myself. I just wanna have fun and keep memories.
#2 63/365
105 streak
Day 92
Day 91
Day 90
My sister gave my this book for my birthday. After 4 months I finally started reading it.
Day 89
Carrot smoothie
To be honest, I didn't like it. XD
Day 88
Trying to find comfy position...
Day 87
Day 86
Day 85
I guess I'm gonna post a pic of my flower every Sunday of social distancing.
Day 84
Day 83
World Theatre Day
I decided to take part in a Facebook game with recreating the photo of one of the local opera house's play. This is my "All I ask of...
Day 82
I don't know, just candy bar wrapping.
Day 81
Day 80
Today I needed to go out of my house. I had a doctor's appointment. And I saw worryingly many people on the steets. Let's say that photo fits in the #...
Day 79
No good idea for today's photo, so I took a pic of the souvenir from Iceland my dad give me few years ago.
Day 78
My lonely flower got a new buddy! :D #theme-at-home
Day 77
Day 76
Today I finished writing the first chapter of my graduate work! It was harder that I thought and took me almost four months. I'm so happy I finally di...
Day 75
#my-pandemic-washingmachine #theme-at-home
Day 74
Day 73
For a few days I keep my ukulele laying on my bed. Having it close at hand makes me playing more often. #theme-at-home
Day 72
#theme-at-home I'm planning to stay the whole week at home, so it's really my theme! :D
Day 71
Day 70
It started to snowing quite hard. Maybe to make us all stay at homes.
Day 69
Ready for the apocalypse.