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I'm not hoping for discovering great photographing talent in myself. I just wanna have fun and keep memories.
#2 63/365
105 streak
Day 380
Day 379
On one of Youtube ukulele channels that I subscribe was posted a tutorial for "Smooth Criminal". And it sounds so cool, so I decided to learn it.
Day 378
I spent last two days wrapped in a blanket.
Day 377
Day 376
Day 375
Yesterday I bought Far Cry 3 on Steam's sale. I've never really play a game like this one before. Now before me lies the first mission where I have to...
Day 374
Day 373
Today I sent the laptop back to my (ex)boss. Man, I got tired while making this pack! 😅
Day 372
All tasks from to-do-list completed. :D
Day 371
Day 370
Our curved Christmas tree's top
Day 369
Day 368
I started using my new calendar. I've planned next few weeks of learning new skills. Lately I'm thinking more about my career path and I think I could...
Day 367
I started reading my Christmas gift. I guess studying on university kinda broke my brain, because now almost every time I read something more "scienti...
Day 366
I wanted to have a photo of this little Christmas corner on the shelf. Maybe it will be the inspiration in the next year. I mean this year. Today I sa...
axndra finished 365 project #1!
Day 365
I did it! But my Tookapic subscription is not over, so I'm not saying goodbye yet. ;) #theme-minimalism
Day 364
We still haven't cleaned up the ballons after the party... 😅
Day 363
A few days ago I posted about this puzzle. Today I've defeated The Final Boss - level 24. My sister is trying to fight it right now. 😅
Day 362
Happy New Hear!
Day 361
For our New Year's Eve party I made sushi. This was the first time I made it myself and it was pretty good. So now me and my sister are eating, playin...
Day 360
We've finished!
Of course, there had to be at least one piece missing... #theme-relax
Day 359
I got this today. It's a Christmas card and socks from a collegue from Portugal. On the back there are pictures of the team. This will be such a great...
Day 358
In progress...
Day 357