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I'm not hoping for discovering great photographing talent in myself. I just wanna have fun and keep memories.
#2 63/365
105 streak
Day 260
Day 259
Day 258
I've just finished this book - it's about effective learning techniques. Actually, presented methodes were not very surprising, they were qu...
Day 257
Day 256
Day 255
The weather today was so nice, so warm! I took a long walk. And I found a puzzle just laying on the sidewalk.
Day 254
Day 253
Day 252
Good oldies. 😁
Day 251
Day 250
Sometimes we act like alcoholics. Whenever we have some bigger amount of fruits, they end up in vodka. 😅 Yesterday my brother got two bags of pears an...
Day 249
Day 248
Today I have registered as unemployed. That makes me quite sad, I've been looking for a job for about two months, and so far I had one interview. But...
Day 247
Lately there is some strong wind. I guess it made this tomato fall down.
Day 246
Day 245
Day 244
Day 243
Day 2 of Chord Melody Challenge. Now that I film myself playing, I can see some mistakes I make, like hand positioning, and work on them.
Day 242
My parents have mint on the balcony, and some time ago they noticed there was something wrong with it. My father decided to cut it out and wait for ne...
Day 241
I have changed strings yesterday. Today started two ukulele challanges on Youtube. In one of them there is an opportunity to win a ukulele, so I'm def...
Day 240
Day 239
Day 238
Day 237