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#1 193/365
105 streak
Day 128
Day 130
Just few leafs. Thats it.
First lazy (very lazy) Sunday from a looong time. Needed it. Nailed it.
Day 135
Another from my phone. Not the best quality, but I like the idea of such scene.
Day 173
Rainy day
Day 187
Day 9
Day 19
Per aspera...
Moje pierwsze podejście do astrofotografii. My first approach to the subject of astrophotography.
Day 48
Day 49
Day 86
Day 96
Day 150
The walk
Day 157
My first ever storm cloud captured. Noisy, probably out of focus and covered by darker parts of the cloud. But the process was fantastic, looking forw...
Day 171
Day 172
Evening walk in the woods
Day 177
Day 179
Day 180
The Face
Day 182
Day 192
Yesterday planets, today TV.
Day 6
Day 8
Yet another #streakpic.
Day 11
Day 12