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#1 193/365
105 streak
Day 22
Day 30
Not the best of days
Day 34
Last moments of light / Ostatnie chwile światła
Day 39
Day 50
Alone in a factory
Day 80
My Brother-in-law
Day 81
Today we've had a visitor.
Day 87
I am thankful for not cleaning out my magazine drawer earlier this year.
Day 153
Sky during our walk.
Day 154
A swallow
Day 158
A guest
Day 162
My wife. With awesome sunset light.
Day 164
Day 186
Day 189
A mystery
Maybe its Marsellus' soul?
Day 3
Day 10
Day 13
Day 16
Welcome To The Jungle
Day 17
#streakpic no.2
Day 18
Day 54
Day 79
Recently I have watched Kung Fury and few Synthwave photos. vibe:
Day 82
The Smile