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#1 193/365
105 streak
Day 177
Day 6
Day 11
Day 22
Day 27
Today I was able to catch a brief snowfall in this (now almost) snowless winter. // Dziś zdołałem uchwycić krótki opad śniegu w tej (już prawie...
Day 40
Day 50
Alone in a factory
Day 55
Day 82
The Smile
Day 86
Day 88
First such Easter
It was fun
Day 91
Day 94
Day 110
Day 111
Reading weather
I like it.
Day 119
Day 128
Day 135
Another from my phone. Not the best quality, but I like the idea of such scene.
Day 138
Day 146
Day 148
Day 152
I know that it is heavily cropped, not sharp enough but I like the colours. #it-will-do
Day 154
A swallow
Day 164