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#1 193/365
105 streak
Day 14
Day 21
Warm up / Rozgrzewka
Day 24
A brief moment in a busy home
Day 25
Day 26
A swift photo in the rain
Day 28
My today's view / Mój dzisiejszy widok. #streakpic
Day 33
Duck Squad
When I was walking near my mother's home I've heard a quack. Then I saw this. / Kiedy szedłem przy domu mamy usłyszałem kwakanie. Potem zob...
Day 46
Movie night
Day 57
Socialising for next days / weeks / ... ?
Day 58
Kroplą deszczu
Day 60
Lazy Sunday with Days Gone
Day 61
Day 62
Stronger than a sword, or so I have heard
Day 83
Day 92
Evening portrait
Anna after a hard day at work.
Day 93
Day 101
This time 'True Survivor' needs a different approach. My Friends adopted a malnoutrished and scared doggo. This is him after just a few weeks of love....
Day 104
Day 105
a dilemma
Day 120
Day 126
Day 142
Finally it arrived.
Day 147
Day 184
An invasion.