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#1 193/365
105 streak
Day 115
An evening at the bank of the Bug river.
Day 122
Messy, but I like the green.
Day 136
And hopefully all will be good.
Day 137
Day 139
With Her
Day 151
Just a lamp and a bin.
Day 161
Today I practiced #green
Day 172
Evening walk in the woods
Day 173
Rainy day
Day 175
First day off.
Planning weekend - probably camping-style. Should be nice.
Day 190
Day 192
Yesterday planets, today TV.
Day 17
#streakpic no.2
Day 25
Day 31
May the weekend begin
Very nice taste. #streakpic
Day 32
Mansion of Madness / Posiadłość Szaleństwa
Few days now I am walking past it and wanting to play it with wife and friends. We will probably try it tom...
Day 35
No signal / Brak sygnału
Day 43
Day that we could lost our base
Thankfully, all is good.
Day 57
Socialising for next days / weeks / ... ?
Day 103
Evening with the Raspberry
Day 125
Day 145
Day 157
My first ever storm cloud captured. Noisy, probably out of focus and covered by darker parts of the cloud. But the process was fantastic, looking forw...
Day 159
A guest #2