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Bernard Kuś

#1 162/365
2 streak
Day 42
Fast and furious! Highway A4 (E40) near Brzesko. | Szybcy i wściekli! Autostrada A4 (E40) koło Brzeska. #evening #tuesday #lights #way #feb...
Day 41
This guitar's tuning peg is really look like tiny capstan :) | Niby zwykły klucz (maszynka) do strojenia gitary a wygląda jak kabestan :) #night...
Day 40
Squeezed, not stirred
Wyciśnięte, nie zmieszane: w roli głównej pomarańcze i grejpfruty | Grapefruit and orange #evening #sunday #orange #juice #febru...
Day 39
Człowiek - Szwagier vs IKEA
Brother-in-law Man like Iron Man! Screws, drills & rock 'n' roll :) #saturday #evening #ikea #family #february #renovation...
Day 38
Ouch #friday #afternoon #sunset #sharpness #february #barbed-wire #zachod-slonca #drut-kolczasty
Day 37
My first selfie here! I tried to smile, but it didn't look good, so ... Whatever, today it's my birthday! The last one with "number two" in the fr...
Day 36
Looney Tunes
Jaka to melodia? | Name That Tune #night #black-and-white #wednesday #notes #silhouette #february #nuty #wieszak #theme-shadows
Day 35
Almost finish
Yep. Beer with the best friends but without good camera... Cheers! #evening #tuesday #beer #elegance #february #bestfriends
Day 34
Play with shadows
Tym razem Helios jako rzutnik. Obraz świecącej żarówki wyświetla się na ścianie. | This time I use Helios (lens) like projector. You...
Day 33
The clock is ticking... #night #evening #sunday #dark #design #clock #shining #time #february #illustration #modern #fluorescent #hand-clock
Day 32
You shall not pass
Somewhere the sun is shining. Not here. Not today. #forest #nature #afternoon #saturday #landscape #tree #winter #scary #snow #lone...
Day 31
Foggy view
Mglisty widok #friday #night #fog #city #design #darkness #texture #pattern #february
Day 30
Age of steam?
Black, white and grey. #thursday #afternoon #landscape #black-and-white #sky #steam #architecture #monochrome #industrial #february #cra...
Day 29
Betonowa dżungla | Concrete jungle
Surowa i zimna | Raw and cold #afternoon #black-and-white #wednesday #city #shadows #design #concrete #february #ju...
Day 28
It's not funny
Zadziwiają mnie ludzie, którzy nie wierzą w "istnienie smogu". Ekolodzy sobie wymyślili? Jeśli to żart, to bardzo kiepski. Ech... | It'...
Day 27
Mandarynki i pomarańcze...
... Pomarańcze i mandarynki | Oranges and tangerines - The title song of the great Polish singer, poet, composer: Marek Gre...
Day 26
Zabawa ze światłem i cieniem | Playing with light and shadows #night #sunday #steel #metal #design #stripes #texture #industry #pattern #abstr...
Day 25
Burza włosów | Storm hair
I najpiękniejszy nosek :) | And most beautiful small nose :) #portrait #afternoon #saturday #people #woman #january #adult #...
Day 24
Dirty sky
Ciężko oddychać pełną piersią, gdy powietrze w Krakowie jest takie "bogate". | It's so hard to breathe deeply, when air pollution in Cracow...
Day 23
Uszy | Ears
Żona i Mąż. Rozmowa. Żeby się wzajemnie rozumieć, trzeba umieć słuchać. | Wife and Husband. Conversation. To get to understand each other,...
Day 22
Plac nie-zabawy #afternoon #black-and-white #wednesday #abandoned #january #playground #theme-abandoned
Day 21
Chwila odpoczynku przed lotem | Some rest before flying #nature #afternoon #landscape #birds #black-and-white #tuesday #tree #january #raven #v...
Day 20
Like father and son
Spruce | Świerk #morning #forest #outdoors #nature #landscape #monday #tree #son #blue #sky #winter #snow #conifer #january #fathe...
Day 19
Horizontal rainbow
Sometimes it's very hard to choose this ONE. #afternoon #landscape #sunday #january #rainbow #horizont