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Marcin Biedroń

#1 67/365
1 streak
Day 60
Electric almost self driving cars. What the future with be? Will my daughter now how to drive a car? #wednesday #red #flower #love #march #valen...
Day 42
Tonalá - vivid colours
Running through streets to see as much as possible I tried to capture as much as possible with my my mind. Friends who gave me...
Day 62
I need something sweet :) #friday #old #brown #wall #texture #brick #march #building-material
Day 40
Mexico city
After 24h of travel I could notell enjoy this view as much as I would like. #thursday #dark #february #theme-shadows
Day 41
View from my office :) #friday #february
Day 54
Enough chocolate
My wife said that she is satisfied with chocolate for next year... let's see tomorrow :) as we still have some chocolate waffles left...
Day 1
Some things never end
I was playing with daughter, and thought that some of the things I do I will keep repeating my entire life. The purpose will be...
Day 33
I liked the way snow started to melt on that car. Unfortunately it was behind the fence and I could not get better frame :( #thursday #car #tr...
Day 58
Eindhoven building@Vestdijk
View from hotel room. #monday #february
Day 61
Flying back home
Just a model on airport in Amsterdam :) #thursday #march
Day 34
Oh help! Oh no! It's a gruffalo!
One of my favourites bed time stories :). I just hope my daughter is having fun when I am reading it and she is not a...
Day 63
Printed photos
Memories :) #saturday #march
Day 66
Eye of the tiger
Thanks God it was resting and was not hungry #food #sweet #snack #tuesday #dessert #bread #bakery #baked #meal #tasty #delicious #mar...
Day 35
Left as a human come back as cat
Just playing outside with family :). Can there be a better day? It was so hard to get the white balance right that I...
Day 43
Ever wondered how and from what tequila is made? #sunday #february
Day 48
One of the things I brought back from Mexico. Next time I will travel there ... Spanish lesson is a must. #friday #cap #february #bottlecap
Day 52
Home rules
Do you have any rules at home? Or no rules are best rules? #tuesday #february #menu #fare
Day 51
I missed my family for a whole day at work. And then on way home I had "red wave" :). Annoying. #monday #boat #truck #february #craft #fire-engine...
Day 45
Guadalajara to Mexico City
Jumping to plane to be a bit closer to family on Valentines day.... #afternoon #tuesday #sky #transport #transportation #fl...
Day 65
Going up or down
Grid again. I have no idea how or shoot macro with smartphone :( will need to read online for some home made solutions :) #monday #ke...
Day 44
Walking around Guadalajara
Just a random photo taken while trying to swe as much as possible after work :) #afternoon #monday #february
Day 56
Aluminium can
#saturday #february
Day 59
I was cycling for one hour to charge my phone :) #afternoon #tuesday #stereo #ipod #february
Day 64
Is it me?
Upper left corner? Was it me like 10 years ago? #sunday #business #march