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Brenda Griffith

Glass artist, author, spinner, weaver, wife, mother, gardener, novice beekeeper, intrepid creative explorer.
#1 365/365
2 streak
Day 86
The Carp and the Turtles At County Line
Dinner with Steve and Shawn from Missoula, took them out for some great Texas BBQ and got to feed the carp and...
Day 87
The Garden Beds Are Ready To Plant
The beds have been cleared of weeds as has the stream. Now it's time to fill the stream with water and plant all th...
Day 88
Baxter In His Sling
It's been two weeks since Baxter's hip was dislocated, and he's doing much better. It was a slow day today, but, hey, he's 16 year...
Day 89
Tabula Rasa
The beds are all cleared, the stream is cleaned out and ready for filling and running tomorrow. Next step, plants! #thursday #old #evening...
Day 90
The Mexican Redbud
The first of the new plants to go into the backyard today was the lovely little fedbud tree in the midle of the photo #forest #tree...
Day 91
Goldenball-Lead Tree
Ready to go into the garden on Monday! #saturday #evening #leaf #plant #herb #april #dandelion #plant-part #theme-spring
Day 92
Native Plant Info Cards
A gardening project for a rainy Sunday. #night #sunday #paper #business #material #medium #money #bank #cash #april #currency...
Day 93
Today's Butterfly
The garden is already full of both butterflies and caterpillars. I haven't even got these plants in the ground yet and the butterfli...
Day 94
Negroni After a Long Day
Dinner out with the spouse after taking the dog to the vet twice today, and trying to manage landscaping contractors and task...
Day 95
Another Car-load of Plants
Back from the native plant nursery in Medina again with another full van-load. The pots go from the back lift-up door all t...
Day 97
Blooming Prickly Pear
It's spring in Austin and the cacti are bursting into bloom. Prickly pear jam anyone? #friday #evening #garden #flower #plant #f...
Day 98
Front Yard After Burning
What was weedy grass there was has been burned, and a truckload of new topsoil is being spreadt in preparation for putting in...
Day 99
Jessie Blowtorches Pizza
The child wanted cream cheese on her leftover pizza tonight, and the best way to get it melty and browned was to use Dave's c...
Day 100
Spreading Seed In the Rain
Today we put down the native grass and wildflower seed that will make up the wildflower meadow in our front yard. We are fe...
Day 101
Researchers from my alma mater, the University of Montana, have made a major biological discovery: Lichens are not made up of a fungus and an...
Day 102
Occluded Moon
It's a cloudy night in Austin. Looks like rain is coming. #night #evening #landscape #light #wednesday #sun #sky #clouds #orange #sunris...
Day 103
The Lights Of Chez Zee
Out with friends for dinner tonight and loved the ceiling lights. Come to think of it, the last time I was out with these same...
Day 105
Easter Eggs
Even though the child is 15 years old, she still likes to dye eggs and have the Easter bunny hide them. This year we dyed them and then gi...
Day 106
Thank You Easter Bunny
A little easter basket for my spouse. #night #sunday #bag #purse #container #april
Day 107
Dark and Stormy Night
these night time photos are fascinating--even when thee's no moon. #evening #landscape #light #monday #sun #sky #weather #clouds...
Day 109
Gently Snoring Spouse
It was a really long day for everyone, and we made it as far as the couch after dinner before we collapsed. #portrait #evening #...
Day 110
The beds are almost all planted!
My husband likes to say he's always liked botanical gardens, he just never thought he'd own one! #thursday #afternoon...
Day 112
Build It And They Will Come
The new garden is freshly in, and we already have two monarch butterfly caterpillars chomping on the milkweed! #saturday #...
Day 113
Wanted bee pic, got cat-in-lap pic.
Today was all about picking up the new bee colonies and setting them up in my hives. However I was unable to take...