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Brenda Griffith

Glass artist, author, spinner, weaver, wife, mother, gardener, novice beekeeper, intrepid creative explorer.
#1 365/365
2 streak
Day 151
Last Beehive Delivered
Today I took delivery of my last bees for the year. This is hive #5 and it's a TopBar design which means the bees make all the...
Day 186
Summer At the Lake Means a Dog With a Stick
Water streams off Jig as he brings stick after stick in from the water. You'd never know he was 12! #portr...
Day 210
The Orchids are Still Blooming!
I got these orchids back in early January and they have bloomed without stopping ever since. I love phalaenopsis orchi...
Day 88
Baxter In His Sling
It's been two weeks since Baxter's hip was dislocated, and he's doing much better. It was a slow day today, but, hey, he's 16 year...
Day 116
My Brain is Dead
It has been such a tough day/week that all I can do is immerse myself in a glass of wine and the movie "The Kingsmen". Long live mind...
Day 168
The Small Cat After 14 Hours In the Car
Traveling across the country with three dogs and two cats in the car is exciting and challenging. This is the...
Day 254
Learning To Work Steel
Tonight was my first class in metal and steel. We practiced cutting steel with a chop saw and welding with a mig welder. We als...
Day 262
The Lady Is On the Hunt
This is the second, large, female preying mantis I have seen in two days. Both of them looked ready to bite some poor male's h...
Day 25
The Pool At Night
The view from the balcony of the condo we are renting for the January Spin-In in Destin. #night #evening #wednesday #party #january
Day 58
Kiln Load for the Day
An almost full kiln load of kites and proto-kites. #afternoon #monday #february
Day 112
Build It And They Will Come
The new garden is freshly in, and we already have two monarch butterfly caterpillars chomping on the milkweed! #saturday #...
Day 160
Tornado Light
This photo was not edited at all--specifically, it wasn't edited for color. If you have ever lived for any amount of time in the midwest...
Day 259
Wood-look Tile
Considering using this wood-look tile for our bathroom remodel. It has a great blue cast and goes really well with a blue grey natural...
Day 278
Harvest Moon
I wish I hadn't had to ditz around trying to figure out how to get this shot with my Nikon. When I first saw it, the moon was a deep oran...
Day 32
After a Long Day Of Packing
Yes, yes it is time for a BIG glass (mug) of wine. I am sore in muscles I didn't know I had! #evening #wood #wednesday #fe...
Day 87
The Garden Beds Are Ready To Plant
The beds have been cleared of weeds as has the stream. Now it's time to fill the stream with water and plant all th...
Day 165
Almost a Frog
When I was cleaning out the tank where I had stored my water lilies before putting them in the pond I found this little guy. Instead of...
Day 227
Water Lily and Frog
Spent part of my afternoon frog watching in the pond in our new garden. The lilies are all doing really well, and the frogs are sp...
Day 307
Ready For Morning
The rental car is in front of the house, in the drive, ready for tomorrow. #friday #afternoon #car #drive #instrument #dashboard #no...
Day 62
A Little Bit of All of Us
While taking a picture of a sleeping J with a sleeping Kaiju, I also got my shadow with the phone and Dave's foot. #friday #...
Day 121
Long Cat
Whenever I'm feeling low Pavlova can always be counted on to cheer me up with kitten antics. #night #monday #may
Day 135
Already Summer
Even though it's only the middle of May, temperatures in the 90's have lent a moist haze to the evening light. #old #evening #monday #a...
Day 170
Tonight From the Back Deck
Took this picture at the end of our first full day in Polson. It was a great day, and I am looking forward to the days to c...
Day 221
Working On a Bracelet
My second night of Jewelry 201 and I am already soldering the bezels to the bracelet cuff. this is a fast-paced class! #food #ni...