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Marcy Johnson

I'm a Graphic Designer who's taken up photography as a hobby.
#1 327/365
1 streak
Day 71
Rainy Day
It rained all day which gave me the perfect opportunity to get a close up shot of some raindrops on the window. #afternoon #sunday #water #r...
Day 74
My old but trusty stereo I've had since high school, it even has two tape decks. How cool is that!? #evening #wednesday #stereo #buttons #febru...
Day 77
Guitar Cat
My cat always wants to help, this time he helped with the weekly theme pic. #saturday #guitar #music #cat #face #eye #strings #nose #februa...
Day 76
An arrangement of CDs #friday #music #reflection #shiny #colorful #round #february #cds #disc #theme-music #compact-disc
Day 78
Guitar Strings
A close up of my acoustic guitar #night #guitar #music #sunday #close #lines #circles #strings #acoustic #february #theme-music #frets...
Day 79
Router Pattern
Black plaid pattern on our router #evening #monday #black #lights #blue #lines #pattern #cross #february #electronics #plaid #router #t...
Day 82
Horse Hair Bracelet
This is a close up of a hore hair bracelet I bought in the Outer Banks of North Carolina to help support the protection of the wil...
Day 81
Backlit Keyboard
My husband's keyboard is back lit and it made for a newt shot. #evening #keys #light #dark #keyboard #computer #wednesday #black #blu...
Day 85
Good Grapes
Grapes, my afternoon snack and photo of the day. #afternoon #green #sunday #fruit #close #bunch #grapes #february #vine
Day 84
Cat Face
My favorite model, he is very patient and he loves close ups. #saturday #evening #white #cat #animal #kitty #face #eyes #star #ears #fur #fel...
Day 86
A calculator. #evening #monday #numbers #february #math #calculator #theme-numbers
Day 88
Cork Watch
Close up of my husband's cork watch with black accents. #evening #wednesday #black #watch #numbers #face #cork #time #hands #band #february...
Day 97
Ceiling Fan
Spinning ceiling fan with lights. #evening #monday #lights #gold #fan #ceiling-fan #february #spin #spinning #theme-overhead
Day 91
Jelly Beans
A bowl full of jelly beans. #morning #green #candy #white #monday #red #blue #yellow #orange #pink #jelly-beans #colorful #february
Day 89
So this is winter in Vegas. #afternoon #saturday #numbers #warm #winter #circle #outside #needle #thermometer #february
Day 90
Sleeping Kitty
Our white kitty sleeping in one of his rather uncomfortable positions. #afternoon #sunday #white #cat #animal #sleeping #kitty #fur #fe...
Day 95
Bored Cat
Another lazy cat day, this time he's laying outside though. #morning #saturday #white #cat #tired #kitty #face #eyes #bored #ears #fur #feli...
Day 92
Ghost Pepper Leaf
This is a close up of a leaf on our ghost pepper plant. Your hands get warm and tingly if you touch it. #green #evening #wednesday #...
Day 94
Cat Face
My patient cat was volunteered for my photo taking practice. I was able to get a nice close up of him. #friday #afternoon #white #cat #yellow...
Day 93
Black Kitty Outside
Our black kitty, Iris, coming out of her hiding spot. #morning #thursday #cat #black #kitty #face #gold #eyes #outside #shiny #ear...
Day 99
Parking Lot Sunset
I stopped to pick up dinner after work today and I was interrupted by this beautiful sunset. #nature #landscape #wednesday #sky #cl...
Day 101
My husband ran into a store for me since I broke my foot so I took the time to practice some night time shots. #friday #night #evening #street...
Day 102
Angel Dog
A friend's dog, she is incredibly sweet and very well behaved. #saturday #old #evening #dog #black #teeth #eyes #lab #angel #happy #smile #m...
Day 98
I got some new filters for my camera and I am so excited to use them! Problem is that I have a broken foot so I'm a bit limited right now. #ca...