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A photographer in Cheltenham, UK.
#2 72/365
1 streak
Day 265
Light Bulb
#thursday #evening #april
Day 266
Regency Architecture
#friday #afternoon #april #theme-architecture
Day 267
That's funny!
20 months old... #portrait #afternoon #saturday #funny #april #laughing
Day 268
Sharing the moment...
Baby Chick #morning #sunday #april
Day 269
Party leader... #afternoon #monday #april
Day 270
Leap of faith...
Jump. #afternoon #tuesday #april
Day 271
Time to drive! #evening #wednesday #april #theme-cars
Day 272
Vroom Vroom!
#thursday #night #april #theme-cars
Day 273
Light Up!
#friday #evening #april
Day 274
Placing it on the finger.
His wedding ring. #afternoon #saturday #april
Day 275
Well worn...
These boots have walked! #evening #sunday #boots #may
Day 276
PS4 #evening #monday #may #theme-mans-best-friend
Day 277
Membership #evening #tuesday #may #theme-mans-best-friend
Day 278
The Magic Egg
#night #wednesday #may
Day 279
Blossoming #thursday #evening #may
Day 280
Rape Seed
Broadway, Gloucestershire. #friday #evening #landscape #sunset #may
Day 281
Life through a lens.
Long Exposure #saturday #night #may #theme-mans-best-friend
Day 282
Enjoying the sunshine
Sunshine and garden. #afternoon #sunday #may
Day 283
Crazy Cat
#night #monday #may
Day 284
#evening #tuesday #may
Day 285
Magic of Reading
What joy pages can bring... #evening #wednesday #may #theme-magic
Day 286
All in it together. #thursday #afternoon #may
Day 287
Colour Splash!
#friday #evening #may
Day 288
Wedding Venue
#morning #saturday #may