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A photographer in Cheltenham, UK.
#2 72/365
1 streak
Day 289
#morning #sunday #may
Day 290
Follow the Instructions
#evening #monday #may
Day 291
Father and Son
Shoe Sizes #evening #tuesday #may
Day 292
Clean Me!
#evening #wednesday #may
Day 293
#thursday #afternoon #may
Day 294
Boil that kettle!
#friday #evening #may
Day 295
Cup Glory!
#saturday #evening #may
Day 296
Brotherly Love
#afternoon #sunday #may
Day 297
Working in to the night...
#night #monday #may #theme-bokeh
Day 298
Face Bokeh
#evening #tuesday #may #theme-bokeh
Day 299
Bar Bokeh
#night #wednesday #may #theme-bokeh
Day 300
Light at work!
#thursday #afternoon #may
Day 301
#friday #evening #may #theme-bokeh
Day 302
#saturday #evening #may
Day 303
Louisa and Jonathan
#afternoon #sunday #may
Day 304
Sun Peeking Through
#evening #monday #may #theme-sky
Day 305
TV Watching
#afternoon #tuesday #may
Day 306
Colour in Greyness
#evening #wednesday #june
Day 307
Suburban Sky
#morning #thursday #june #theme-sky
Day 308
Bubbles in the Sky
#friday #evening #june #theme-sky
Day 309
TV before bed
#saturday #evening #june
Day 310
Sadie and Mark
#afternoon #sunday #june #theme-sky
Day 311
Urban Bird
#evening #monday #june
Day 312
#night #tuesday #june #theme-round