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A photographer in Cheltenham, UK.
#2 72/365
1 streak
Day 313
Round Walls
#afternoon #wednesday #june #theme-round
Day 314
Idyllic Round House
#thursday #evening #june #theme-round
Day 315
#friday #afternoon #june
Day 316
Kelly and Marc
Beautiful wedding in Gloucestershire. #afternoon #saturday #june #theme-round
Day 317
#night #sunday #june
Day 318
Car Door
#evening #monday #june #theme-door
Day 319
"Fun Run" in bad weather!
#afternoon #tuesday #june
Day 320
Door Knob
#morning #wednesday #june #theme-door
Day 321
On or Off
#thursday #afternoon #june
Day 322
Olympic Cakes
#friday #afternoon #june
Day 323
Leigh and Katie
Wedding @ Puckrup, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, UK. #afternoon #saturday #couple #wedding #june
Day 324
Shooting down the barrel...
#evening #sunday #june
Day 325
Double Biscuits
#night #monday #june #theme-doubles
Day 326
#evening #tuesday #june #theme-doubles
Day 327
Double Lines
#night #wednesday #june #theme-doubles
Day 328
Referendum Day
The youth watch on as adults make a decision that will affect their futures... #thursday #evening #june
Day 329
New Wheels...
#friday #night #june
Day 330
Day out with Thomas...
The smiles of a 3 year old! :-) #morning #saturday #june
Day 331
Muddy Boots!
#evening #sunday #june
Day 332
Ferry Flag
Southampton - Isle of Wight #afternoon #monday #june #theme-flags
Day 333
Shanklin Chine
Isle of Wight, UK. #evening #long-exposure #tuesday #water #waterfall #june
Day 334
#morning #wednesday #june
Day 335
Chair Lift
The Needles, Isle of Wight. #thursday #afternoon #june
Day 336
RNLI Flags
#morning #friday #july #theme-flags