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#1 106/365
2 streak
Day 34
Keeping up with the photos
Nothing like a good tune. #friday #night #red #design #february #illustration
Day 44
Bathroom monologue
A pathetic naked boy speaking to the walls... we could call it a bathroom monologue. What do you think abot that? #night #monday #w...
Day 51
Droplets of light
#night #light #monday #star #ball #february #traffic-light #celestial-body
Day 69
My own jungle
#saturday #evening #blue #violet #texture #march #digital
Day 89
Loose it
#friday #night #keyboard #computer #key #business #march #theme-spring
Day 58
We're almost there
#afternoon #monday #spider #february #arachnid
Day 82
I enjoy life in black and white
#portrait #thursday #afternoon #fashion #people #face #happy #cute #sweater #smile #person #march #smiling #pretty #ad...
Day 24
While I sit and wait
Patiently. #afternoon #tuesday #fashion #people #foot #leather #january #shoe #anatomy #pair #body-part
Day 33
Thousand fireflies
#friday #evening #dark #design #texture #pattern #wallpaper #february
Day 31
Gimme a second, I need to catch the tempo.
Gimme a second, I'm caught in the limbo. #afternoon #tuesday #transport #january #urban-scene
Day 97
Cristal scar
#friday #night #armor #april #protective-covering #body-armor #chain-mail
Day 52
Winter is hiding around the corner
With a baseball bat. To smash your hopes about warm and happiness. Again. #afternoon #lake #mountains #landscape #t...
Day 61
The Man in the Moon is the engineer
Hush! Here comes the Dream Man #thursday #night #moon #sky #space #earth #globe #world #march #atmosphere #planet...
Day 27
Time for another adventure!
#afternoon #saturday #night #january
Day 30
Trapped in mind
#night #monday #january
Day 45
Massive mountain stones, glassy frozen thrones. #afternoon #tuesday #february
Day 39
Withered away
#thursday #nature #evening #flower #february #vegetation
Day 40
#thursday #night #february
Day 42
Be gentle in life
Gently my mind escapes, to relaxing world of pleasure... #saturday #night #february
Day 48
#friday #afternoon #black #button #icon #february #symbol
Day 53
Keeping up again. This time could do a weekly theme photo. Need to do another one today, but didnt have a chance to see anything interesting thi...
Day 55
Im in Paris
#friday #night #february #sax
Day 59
Blanket made of clouds
This city got comfy. Funny thing is that clouds are the dark part, and clear sky is the bright. #evening #landscape #tuesday #w...
Day 26
4 pm
When the darkness comes. #thursday #afternoon #business #january