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Cicérøn & Jamie D. Carrey

The world is round... My photos will be circles, balls ... In a square format. For year 2 on tookapic, my twin sister, Jamie D. Carrey, gives sometimes its stricter vision of our environnement...
#6 6/365
1 streak
Day 1,591
Le Barøn
Day 1,590
Møtø møtør
Day 1,589
Day 1,588
Day 1,587
Day 1,586
Passage søus vøies
Day 1,585
Cicerøn dans les bøuchøns
Day 1,584
Pøur un jøur avec søleil
Day 1,583
Circle øf light
Day 1,582
Røller Snake
Day 1,581
Møtø Scøøter
Day 1,580
Røue de chariøtte
Day 1,579
Peace & Løve
Day 1,578
Røue de røuløtte
Day 1,577
Nøule de Bøël
Day 1,576
Day 1,575
Please Nø Føøt !
Day 1,574
Etøn Car
Day 1,573
grøund mark
Day 1,572
Day 1,571
The shadøw øf the ladder
Day 1,570
Le chøix du signe
Day 1,569
Day 1,568