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Cicérøn & Jamie D. Carrey

The world is round... My photos will be circles, balls ... In a square format. For year 2 on tookapic, my twin sister, Jamie D. Carrey, gives sometimes its stricter vision of our environnement...
#6 63/365
1 streak
Day 1,215
Kødak Cicerøn Prøject Nø 21
Day 1,217
Chrøme tambøur
Kødak Cicerøn Prøject Nø 23
Day 1,218
Kødak Cicerøn Prøject Nø 24 This is the last image of my roll 24 poses. I found the anxiety and the pleasure of waiting days for the dev...
Day 1,245
Day 1,241
Cicerøn autøpørtrait
Day 1,238
Tensiøn Attentiøn
* søng by Daniel Lavøie
Day 1,231
L'autø pédale des Bøsteels
Day 1,239
Døuble réflexiøn
Day 1,240
Day 1,242
støne møuth
Day 1,232
røund øn støne fløør
Day 1,249
This square is n❏t red
by Jamie D. Carrey #theme-squares
Day 1,251
J⚀ur d'autøme: squ☐re, røund, squ☐res
By Jamie D. Carrey & Cicerøn #theme-squares
Day 1,252
Sm⚀ke extracti⚀n
by Jamie D. Carrey #theme-squares
Day 1,256
Seat døwn !
Day 1,262
Une bøule røuge ne bøuge pas
#theme-tookapic-love since this first october 2015 when I decided on Tania's deviation to start Tookapic, to this day, I...
Day 1,263
nøt yet øn the røad
Day 1,264
Day 1,269
Gastøn y'a l'téléføn qui røuille
Day 1,270
Day 1,271
Gravilløns sur røuille
Day 1,272
Prøgressø 195/55R15
Day 1,273
Repsølgas Repsølgas
Day 1,274
a as ØRaNGE