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Danny Vazquez

Graphic Designer based in Orange County, California. Love photography and I am eager to learn as much as possible when I get the chance.
#3 236/365
12 streak
Day 826
So much wire! I looked up on my last trip to the doctor's office. kind of want to get to a place that has even more connections, and maybe m...
Day 832
#afternoon #car #wednesday #machine #transportation #tractor #machinery #vehicle #truck #april #harvester #myfujifilm #farm-machine #tow-truck
Day 853
Splash of red
Beautiful light toward the end of the day. My backyard has this lovely tree out back, I couldn't resist the greens contrasting with the...
Day 857
Was walking around, found a food truck, and this guy skating in light drizzling rain. #afternoon #sunday #road #people #way #highway #may #inte...
Day 865
Light beams
I was hanging outside my home today, lots of cracks on the cement there. I did enjoy the light coming through the fence once again here. #...
Day 882
the calm
Today, it ended up being pretty calm in the late afternoon. I really love this tree the neighbors planted. #thursday #outdoors #evening #hous...
Day 887
Darkness behind us
Gloomy #outdoors #nature #food #night #light #tuesday #tree #leaf #flower #shadow #texture #one #growth #june #tropical #flora #bac...
Day 889
Rough textures
Wall looks pretty dirty here. I think I enjoy the uneven shadows under all the tiles there, pretty neat. #thursday #afternoon #old #roo...
Day 890
Looked up to this awesome birdhouse that was in the property of a rented cabin. I was hoping a bird actually showed up...never did! #outdoor...
Day 900
In an empty bus, I attempted to capture the outside in a bit of a motion blur while keeping the inside crisp. I feel I need to practice a bit mor...
Day 918
High Contrast
Just a beautiful amount of contrast, was hanging out for a good time outside, glad I got to see the sun help out with some nice lighting...
Day 930
Hot Dog!
Lovely time at work...national hot dog day it seems. We feasted like kings with these things...not really. It was really fun, great way to bo...
Day 931
Sometimes, looking at the sky and just wondering the depth of the universe can feel pretty lonely. I looked up at the evening sky and just wonde...
Day 956
I REALLY liked the lighting on this McDonalds, especially combined with that sky. It was a gloomy day, and this was the most sky I got to see,...
Day 39
Shade Pattern
I was making my way to school and this lovely pattern caught my attention, shade and light, I believed this to be beautiful. I love walk...
Day 56
I had a break during my morning class. I decided to go outside and just enjoy the scenery. Looking up always makes me feel much happier #thur...
Day 96
Seeing purple
Beautiful colors, picture doesn't do it justice. I enjoyed my day going out and walking around. It was extremely refreshing to not think...
Day 249
I found this figuring, it was a gift from a friend a long while back. I decided to experiment with it at night, I just used my phone's light...
Day 282
Golden hallway
Such a nice hallway. I was at a photography museum with some school chums. While we waited to get our stuff together I stumbled upon th...
Day 633
Background players
Somewhat artistic shot of the leaves on this tree instead of the flowers. I love the morning sun hitting the leaves back there, the...
Day 666
I feel I found the perfect spot in my usual view, I've taken this shot before, but this time, I felt I was here at the perfect time, and my co...
Day 706
Enjoying my lunch today outside and this massive cloud just comes rolling in, it was pretty badass to see! Just the way the rays were pee...
Day 732
This marked the end of my mini vacation. I was quite sad to see it all come to an end so quickly, but it's time to get back to work! Save up fo...
Day 746
A tiring day, got to enjoy my bus ride home today a bit more, I really enjoyed the colors that the sunset was bringing into the near empty bus....