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Daniel Zaleski

Baroque music, photography, landscape, desktop games ... my passions.
#2 82/365
3 streak
Day 289
A road to ...
Foggy morning, the dark and chilly autumn is here #morning #trees #black-and-white #road #wednesday #fog #tree #bw #november #mist #cont...
Day 290
Waiting for my friend (in an Irish pub)
I ordered a beer from a local brewery, nobody warmed me that it is sweet ... (apricot flavour) #thursday #even...
Day 291
Wired tree
My daughter had fun making this tree using wire and beads. #friday #evening #november
Day 292
Clouds / vertical
#afternoon #saturday #november
Day 293
Last leaves
This tree still kept quite some leaves, the other trees ware baren already. Now it will all fell down after the first frozen nights. #morn...
Day 294
Getting carried away
#afternoon #monday #november
Day 295
Just a quick snapshot from my visit in Praha. #afternoon #tuesday #church #colour #november #up #cathedral #prague #praha
Day 296
Guess what it is :) #morning #product #black-and-white #wednesday #bw #november #riddle
Day 297
Hidden in the mist
I like the foggy weather, enjoyed it very much yesterday :) #morning #thursday #black-and-white #road #fog #tree #bw #grass #novemb...
Day 298
New toys
After some longer time period, I acquired new photo stuff. I no longer have the GAS syndrome, this was rather an opportunity to buy 30+ years...
Day 299
Empty space
Originally shot for the Wood weekly theme, but due to my business I didn't manage to upload the photo in time. I have emptied part of my b...
Day 300
Just another wood theme photo from yesterday. #afternoon #wood #sunday #tree #detail #colour #november #view #up #branches
Day 301
Our friends / Analogue
Scan from the Kodak Tri-X medium format (120) negative. Shot on Zenza Bronica SQ-A with Zenzanon-S 150mm, Developed in Diafine....
Day 302
Yes, I miss some person (silhoute) in the front, but I already spent some time there and no success. Next time, hopefully. #friday #afternoon #...
Day 303
Glasses / Analogue
Scan from the Kodak Tri-X medium format (120) negative. Shot on Zenza Bronica SQ-A with Zenzanon-S 150mm, Developed in Diafine. Sca...
Day 304
Michaela / Analogue
Scan from the Kodak Tri-X medium format (120) negative. Shot on Zenza Bronica SQ-A with Zenzanon-S 150mm, Developed in Diafine. Sc...
Day 305
#thursday #trees #afternoon #landscape #road #fog #november #mist #snow
Day 306
New job
New start for me. Wish me good luck - I really like the job, mission and my colleagues. #friday #afternoon #black-and-white #bw #window #build...
Day 307
Resolutions #1
First batch of resolutions: making up the mess (whatever it is in my life) and having more time to spend with my family, myself and my...
Day 308
Resolutions #2
Obviously, my second resolution is to dedicate my time to photography - both my 365 project and to learning new things. Just as e.g. li...
Day 309
Resolutions #3 - Music
Singing, attending concerts, listening to high quality music, supporting my wife and daughters in playing and singing. #night #...
Day 310
Resolutions #4
I have played with ink this evening. Nothing special, but have spend few hours and several sheets of paper just training and then used...
Day 311
I arrived back home late yesterday. This was a gift from my eldest daughther = home made donuts. Today, my younder (middle) daugther made anoth...
Day 312
Sunset reflection
I've seen many nice sunset photos here on tookapic today. One more from me from my favourite place. #afternoon #saturday #lake #refl...