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#1 348/365
1 streak
Day 324
Light on the Lac
Walking in Montreux in the afternoon
Day 323
Mila is a beautiful woman. So sweet and lovely !
Day 322
Friendship give us strength ...y e s. 15.3 Km. Bravo Matéo and all Picos -Flambeaux Vevey
Day 321
What a fantastic landscape. Concert including with the kids. Our eyes and ears where delighted !!
Day 320
River Rhône avril is fantastic, cool and a big surprise. 2°C
Day 319
Blue roof
Looking for something blue I found this roof, oh yeah
Day 318
theme blue ….Mael drawing, is great !!
Day 317
Leman Lac and Montreux
Sunny day and little bit cool
Day 316
Magnolia 3
This year Magnolias are amazing. What a joy for our eyes :)
Day 315
Walking with my family, and discovering new places.
Day 314
Stars blue
theme week, Looking for stairs...what a surprise. Walking and sunshine
Day 313
Stairs brown
The theme of the Week. it was funny
Day 312
Yellow yellow everywhere. lovely
Day 311
Go up
#theme-stairs ….. I always good to see them growing up
Day 310
Little eyes
He is studing and trying to be hide, so funny my son
Day 309
First time of the season, good weather 20°C...oh yes gassss !
Day 308
Sturnus vulgaris
He is a singer, this touch of lila in the neck is just perfect
Day 307
Black rabbit
Chocolat suisse hum hum, not possible to hide
Day 306
Magnolia 2
Amazing Magnolias wihite, pink, fuchsia. The tree is so beautiful
Day 305
Black Bird
I like his shoes, or maybe foots, so cute
Day 304
Dents du Midi HEART
Shadow of a heart on Dents du Midi, beautiful day, love is strong. Course Alpha, have you ever try was great !
Day 303
Waiting for a travel
Day 302
Enjoying time with my sweetheart
Day 301
Spring is finally here ...yeap