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Dana Lightman

#5 365/365
1,825 streak
Day 137
Vacation Day 3: Foothills
This is a view of the foothills of the Sandra’s Mountains in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Day 142
Vacation Day 8: Freezing Cold with Rain
Well, no seeing the Grand Canyon today. Did get to the Visitor’s Center along with everyone else in the park....
Day 177
The elephant in the room
Day 185
Indoor Exercise Equipment
Day 187
Fence Fern
Day 203
More Waiting
Day 204
The art of the frame
Day 210
Wall and Steps
Day 211
Break Time
No matter how hard the owner tugged, this dog was not budging! #theme-relax
Day 217
A Fixed Stare
Day 222
Peek-a-Boo Sun
Day 223
Sky Wires
Day 232
Sun Spot on Flower
Day 233
Watering Cans
Day 246
Rock Formation
Day 247
The Unfolding
Day 252
Circle dots
Day 262
Tree Trunk
Day 271
What Group??????
Day 279
My Mia
Day 286
Taking it Easy
Day 298
Exiting the Train Station
Day 301
A Taste of Tapestry
Day 308
Yes I Am