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PhD || Do not compare yourself with others, but with yourself from yesterday || Let's make the photography a common tongue!
#2 168/365
1 streak
Day 319
Happy to see some more water on the ground.
Day 330
Big nose
Day 80
Love espresso
Day 85
Eh... #theme-stairs
Day 86
Level 0
Day 90
Some juice coming up...
drilling for birch juice
Day 92
Prep for classes
Day 94
A little visitor
Still poor photos
Day 128
Topping out (Wiecha)
Day 133
A friend asked for help with driving the car to his mechanic (common friend), so I had an opportunity to drive his #Saab :)
Day 134
Day 203
Bought some coupons
For a wedding gift. The bride and the groom asked for lottery coupons instead of flowers. Funny and cool idea.
Day 235
Day 288
Nostalgic a bit...
Day 298
Day 81
Day 108
Concrete is getting stronger
With time it is good to sprinkle the concrete that have been put for hardening recently. It should improve the strength o...
Day 123
Nephew's art
I got 30.
Day 140
Day 137
New priest first Holy Mass
I attended the first Holy Mass of my friend that became a priest the day before.
Day 144
What the hell is it....
Day 147
#nobike today ...
Day 159
Day 163
Night bike riding