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Eugene Alexeev

Eyeball operator. Pixel selector. Color alchemist.
#1 155/365
1 streak
Day 108
Good Cloud Friday
The clouds were nice in the bay area on Friday. This rarely happens, typically a low fog covers the hills or it is clear. #thursday...
Day 121
Meadow Dart
Soft focus "wildlife". The texture of the grass is what drew my attention. The birds were darting in and out of the frame. I liked this on...
Day 40
Unexpected Bloom
Some trees around my office are blooming. The winter storms have just begun. I am surprised by the presence of flowers. #thursday #sk...
Day 80
Coastal Eucalyptus
A Eucalyptus grove bordering New Brighton State Beach near Santa Cruz. The shadow interplay and lack of deep shadows in the grove c...
Day 111
New Brighton State Beach
A state beach just South of Santa Cruz. My son and I spent an afternoon boogie boarding there. #trees #green #sunday #white #...
Day 17
Daffodils Up Close
Flowers from my back yard. Shot from ~1/3 of a meter with the 105/2.8 macro. #white #monday #yellow #flower #close #january #daffod...
Day 119
New tools through old tools
A photograph of the Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 through a Mamiya RZ 180 D/L soft focus attached to the Nikon via adapter. It was...
Day 120
I continued my work with the Mamiya 180 D/L paired with the Nikon. This is a snapshot along a fitness trail that runs near my office. The clou...
Day 34
The model is lit by two speed-lights bounced off of a silver reflector immediately to the model's right. The speed-light on the left is at a high...
Day 3
Mailbox in the neighborhood. Behind it is a decorated, live christmas tree. I was drawn to the growth on the box, its interaction with the number...
Day 18
Background painting by Lit entirely by flash. #camera #tuesday #bear #painting #woman #january #fl...
Day 125
Taking Your Work Home
This great Egret came down from the nest to pick up a little something extra. I was surprised to see such a large bird select su...
Day 106
Nesting Egrets
Mountain View has an Egret colony that represents roughly 20% of all Egrets living in the San Francisco Bay area. There are two species...
Day 4
Rengstorff House Arch
An arch at the Rengstorff House. Typically the yard is busy with weddings, parties, etc. It was empty before winter rains this e...
Day 13
Environmental Escape Hatch
It was a rough day for photography. I yanked this handle and got out. I snagged this shot immediately prior to my escape. #...
Day 109
Camping Dinner
My son cooking a part of our dinner over the campfire. Hot dogs followed some instant soup. It was a good night. #friday #cooking #blac...
Day 115
Shoreline Park
The grassland and walking area around the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View. Critique not required, I know this is pedestrian. It...
Day 9
Knife on cutting board. #sunday #knife #january #sharp #cutting-board
Day 23
Moonset Over Lexington Reservoir
I saw the moon setting over a dried up reservoir on my way to work this morning. By the time I was able to turn aroun...
Day 39
Dao of Watercolor
My son showed me his early-stage water color painting this evening. It is beginner exercise where one fills in the outlines, learns...
Day 10
Coastal Forest
Scene from Forest of Nisene Marks. It did not turn out as I had hoped. In retrospect I did not spend enough time framing on the scene....
Day 30
Decision Console
I was clicking away all day. Almost ran out of time for the daily shot. Luckily I had some fuel on hand. #monday #desk #keyboard #bla...
Day 38
Music Business
A speaker enjoying some tunes. #tuesday #speaker #headphones #silver #gold #flash #coins #february #low-key #theme-patterns #klipsch
Day 112
Mountain View Office Park
An office park in Mountain View, CA. I work near here. #trees #office #black-and-white #monday #buildings #flags #bushes #ap...