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Faye Brentnell

#1 176/365
33 streak
Day 145
Open road
Yes, I'm going again. There was a blimp over the road way down on the horizon, too small to see in this picture. #morning #monday #june
Day 146
My new favorite snack
#afternoon #tuesday #june
Day 147
Country social
This is how we meet up in the South #afternoon #wednesday #june
Day 148
#thursday #evening #june
Day 149
Raining again
#friday #evening #june
Day 150
Looks like we're in for more rain
Trying to get home before the rain starts. #afternoon #saturday #june
Day 151
Selfie time!
Me and Dove, just having some fun. #morning #sunday #june
Day 152
New summer shoes
#night #monday #june
Day 153
Halloween crap on the shelves in June! #afternoon #tuesday #june
Day 154
Christmas in July!
Woo Hoo! What next, August=Valentines Day? #afternoon #wednesday #july
Day 155
#thursday #afternoon #july
Day 156
A relic from the past
#friday #afternoon #july
Day 157
Dennis & Rose
My nephew and niece came for a visit! #morning #saturday #july
Day 158
New bench
I bought for Charlie's birthday #evening #sunday #july
Day 159
Argie's flowers
#evening #monday #july
Day 160
Get the message?
He keeps asking where to put it... #morning #tuesday #july
Day 161
#evening #wednesday #july
Day 162
Old work ID
From about 1983 #thursday #night #july
Day 163
pretty flower, ugly tree #friday #afternoon #july
Day 164
More boxes to unpack
It seems never-ending #afternoon #saturday #july
Day 165
A card I made
#afternoon #sunday #july
Day 166
looking for food #evening #monday #july
Day 167
I'd buy this again #evening #tuesday #july
Day 168
Another card
#evening #wednesday #july