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Krzysztof Widenka

Programmer 💻 Photographer 📷 Traveller ✈️ Student at AGH University 📚
#3 365/365
107 streak
Day 1,052
Day 736
Multi-storey parking
Driving a car in that type of parking is something great:)
Day 763
Green leafs
Day 777
Day 842
Unfortunately, for last few years, there is no snow during Christmas:(
Day 851
One of my new year resolutions is to reactivate my old YT channel. Here is a new video:
Day 948
Green grass
Day 963
Day 985
Little spider
Day 1,061
First try with 500mm
I got 150-500mm SIGMA and I really want to go somewhere for bird hunting :D
Day 1,077
Day 755
Ferrari Land
What a great park! What a great trip! :D
Day 798
Web coding
Again boring photo with some code... I really want to take more ambitious photos but currently, my life is only coding and math....studies....
Day 812
Day 825
Day 884
Making a project for differential and differential equations... no time for life...
Day 901
Day 926
No break... studying and coding!
Day 940
Day 955
Day 1,047
Litle fun with spring
Day 1,069
Day 1,072
Day 1,074