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Grzegorz Dobrzycki

#3 119/365
1 streak
Day 534
Stencil cover
Wiki prepares her diploma documentation
Day 535
The start
Time to wake up and focus.
Day 536
The studio mess
Day 537
Portrait mode
Trying the phone camera portrait algorithm on the cat's face
Day 538
A hidden cake
Found some yesterday's cake in fridge. Today tastes even better.
Day 539
Hello again!
I missed this community and hope to stay longer.
Day 540
The easel
Went to the studio and caught some late afternoon sun rays here
Day 541
Old drawing needs improvement for the study.
Day 542
Always ready
I wonder how to be in deep sleep in one moment and suddenly ready to hunt.
Day 543
New imaging unit
Today I had to replace the used one. This printer is 12 years old and I only change the consumables. Solid as a tank.
Day 544
From the ground
Day 545
A window
Day 546
Cold the end of April
The spring is cold this year. I have to keep the blossoming Japanese quince inside the home. I don't want to loose this plant. #...
Day 547
The profile
I had luck to catch the light this way. Picture straight from the camera. #sooc
Day 548
Love this metal box more each day
Day 549
Considering film photos
Inspired by the photo of @amialobycjakwesnie ( I took my first autofocus camera from the dr...
Day 550
The poster
I've been in the Old Town to visit the Academy. Got new canvas for paintings and back home.
Day 551
Blooming everywhere
The sunny weather today was the reason to short trip in the neighbourhood. We were having good time wandering between the #theme-s...
Day 552
Day 553
Day 554
Day 555
Sunset on fire
Day 556
Day 557
The afternoon