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zasada życiowa CARPE DIEM ... tego się trzymam każdego dnia ;) ;) ;) w fotografii też ;)
#2 55/365
1 streak
Day 209
#light #dark #color #wednesday #design #art #sphere #bright #egg #desktop #decoration #ball #one #football #illustration #easter #traditional #august...
Day 215
#light #dark #tuesday #christmas #design #party #blur #flame #bright #celebration #shining #desktop #festival #abstract #decoration #august #illuminat...
Day 228
Rafał Śpiewak-Festiwal Barok Plus
For 8 days in Leszno the barok festival will take place. For the third time we have the opportunity to interact with...
Day 232
The 6th day ...
#friday #guitar #music #instrument #people #stage #performance #cello #man #violin #one #concert #orchestra #musician #acoustic #singe...
Day 233
The AKT theater ... the 7th day of the festival Barok Plus
#saturday #music #evening #fun #art #people #woman #stage #theater #performance #festival #...
Day 250
#tuesday #september #theme-sports
Day 268
mornig & HALF of sun
#saturday #music #wood #design #shadow #people #wooden #board #desktop #abstract #september #no-person #theme-half
Day 281
#october #friday #color #crystal #christmas #art #jewelry #bright #shining #stone #decoration #gift #prism #rainbow #beads #precious #gem #ruby #no-pe...
Day 288
#october #nature #friday #old #flower #rose #love #monochrome #gift #floral #wedding #still-life #petal #one #marriage #blooming #anniversary #romanti...
Day 334
#food #apple #light #dark #tuesday #color #reflection #focus #christmas #shadow #blur #love #gold #shining #desktop #abstract #december #still-life #o...
Day 383
#tuesday #coffee #blur #desktop #still-life #one #medicine #february #pill #treatment #no-person #theme-morning-routine
Day 411
Bełcz Wielki
#indoors #outdoors #old #sunday #house #light #city #window #architecture #building #ancient #door #abandoned #town #travel #daylight #en...
Day 1
... za oknem -7 ...ziąb straszny... święto Trzech Króli ... wolny czas aby zająć się tworzeniem ... decoupage, to obok fotografii moja odskoc...
Day 4
colour of passion
pasja...nie ważna jaka, ważna że jest i możemy się rozwijać :) :) :) matter what it is, important that we develop ... #...
Day 12
#indoors #evening #tuesday #flower #people #photography #rose #january #adult #anatomy
Day 29
wystawa PRZESTRZENIE autor prac Wojciech Beszterda
Świetna wystawa PRZESTRZENIE a wśród prac, znakomite zdjęcia Wojciecha Beszterda. Świetne duże form...
Day 46
#night #monday #fun #tap #photography #fotografia #3d #february #zabawa #kran #theme-metal
Day 54
#evening #tuesday #lens #february
Day 62
#evening #light #wednesday #design #art #texture #device #energy #pattern #space #shape #3d #motion #laser #glow #fractal #march #digita...
Day 66
handle :)
#sunday #metal #march #series #chain #theme-macro
Day 76
spring at the morning
#wednesday #garden #flower #plant #march #shrub
Day 113
#friday #sphere #bubble #ball #april #globule #compact-disk
Day 119
#thursday #flower #plant #pink #spring #floral #petal #blossom #orchid #bloom #may #lily
Day 126
#thursday #turtle #may #terrapin