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#2 2/365
2 streak
Day 84
March 24th, 2016
The only photo I took today was this one that I texted to my husband to show him how sad this failed dinosaur print turned into a fat...
Day 90
March 30th, 2016
little waving octopus #afternoon #wednesday #march
Day 111
April 20th, 2016
my first ride in hubsband's new jimny. It's like someone put a lawn mower motor on a dryer. It's so small. It's pretty much the oppos...
Day 228
August 15th, 2016
Day 3,515 Got to score and break scrap glass at work today. So satisfying #monday #august
Day 14
January 14th, 2016
had a busy day and then ended up sitting in an urgent care hours past my bedtime because I had unbearable dental pain. Terrible tim...
Day 40
February 9th, 2016
Snapchat photo is going to have to do for today's photo. #tuesday #february
Day 42
February 11th, 2016
#thursday #afternoon #february
Day 48
February 17th, 2016
Cabazon, CA. #wednesday #february
Day 62
March 2nd, 2016
Left Tucson for our Seattle layover/ mini honeymooon #wednesday #march
Day 63
March 3rd, 2016
Look at this happy ravioli. Seattle Aquarium. #morning #thursday #march
Day 87
March 27th, 2016
Did part of our Sunday walk on the base's nature trail. We even saw a Japanese Serow (not pictured) as he bounded away from us. #sund...
Day 166
June 14th, 2016
Day 3,453 Today was a cleaning day. And apparently going up and down five flights of stairs on three separate trips only got me 159 po...
Day 181
June 29th, 2016
Day 3,468 Hubsband isn't a cake person so he got a cookie from Pizza hut for his birthday. #evening #wednesday #june
Day 201
July 19th, 2016
Day 3,488 I live in some sort of magical land now. #afternoon #tuesday #japan #july
Day 361
December 26th, 2016
Day 3,648 Got to video chat with my dogs today for the first time since we left the states (in March). I then proceeded to cry a l...
Day 19
January 19th, 2016
The first day of the movers packing up our stuff. #afternoon #tuesday #january
Day 88
March 28th, 2016
Started a jar of sea glass from the Mutsu bay. It goes with my jar of the barnacles/fish bones I collected at the Salton sea and the...
Day 132
May 11th, 2016
current stack of books I'm planning on reading next. Accidentally color coordinated. #evening #wednesday #may
Day 187
July 5th, 2016
Day 3,474 #evening #tuesday #july
Day 203
July 21st, 2016
Day 3,490 So excited by how this fire fly embroidery came out. The thread I used for his butt is glow in the dark. I'm going to try to...
Day 171
June 19th, 2016- Day 3457
My attention span for reading has been really short lately so I've been trying to get through some graphic novels and shorte...
Day 198
July 16th, 2016
Day 3,485 I hadn't had Starbucks the entire time we've been in Japan until today. Coffee jelly frap #saturday #july
Day 224
August 11th, 2016
Day 3,511 my job makes it impossible to keep my nails nice. #thursday #evening #august
Day 232
August 19th, 2016
Day 3,519 Bought some 100 yen fighting wind up beetles today. #friday #afternoon #august