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Jacob Norton

I tread alone on my journey weary of an end, my hope to find a chance to express it and it be heard.
#1 316/365
179 streak
Day 196
#thursday #afternoon #july
Day 197
Different Pinks
#friday #afternoon #july
Day 200
Lamp Shade
#afternoon #monday #july
Day 201
Dusty Guitar
#afternoon #tuesday #july
Day 202
Near, There, and Far Candles
#evening #wednesday #july
Day 203
Freshly Stained Wood
#thursday #afternoon #july
Day 204
Brick Walk
#friday #afternoon #july
Day 205
Sunset On the Way Home
#saturday #evening #july
Day 206
Angle Sunlight
#evening #sunday #july
Day 207
Mirror Effect
#evening #monday #july
Day 208
Saw Blade Teeth
#evening #tuesday #july
Day 209
Pine Needles and Cobwebs
#evening #wednesday #july
Day 210
Dead Branch
#thursday #evening #july
Day 211
Grandpa's Haircut
#friday #evening #july
Day 212
Red Flower
#saturday #evening #july
Day 213
White Flowers
#evening #sunday #july
Day 214
Light Fixture Texture
#afternoon #monday #august
Day 215
Half Dark, Half Light
#afternoon #tuesday #august
Day 216
Through the Branches
#afternoon #wednesday #august
Day 217
Dark Room, Corn Outside
#thursday #afternoon #august
Day 218
Dusty Old Tonka
Should've done this for the toy theme last week. #friday #afternoon #august
Day 219
Through Red
#afternoon #saturday #august
Day 220
Hey, It's Me
How are you? #afternoon #sunday #august
Day 222
Statue, Back to Sun
#evening #tuesday #august