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Jagoda Pucilowska

Hi I'm not a computer geek nor web designer I like the idea of every day photography and I love my surrounding, so here I am
#2 34/365
29 streak
Day 169
#thursday #evening #july
Day 170
#morning #friday #july
Day 171
knok knok is anybody there?
#morning #saturday #july
Day 172
orange - just personal need...
orange - just personal need... ..... for orange colour #afternoon #sunday #july
Day 173
#evening #monday #july
Day 174
crow or corvus
in Jephson Gardens at Royal Leamington Spa #afternoon #tuesday #july #theme-portraits
Day 175
horse trailers in Great Somerford 2015
#afternoon #wednesday #july
Day 176
#thursday #evening #july #theme-portraits
Day 177
wet blue morning
#morning #friday #july
Day 178
white horse at Folkestone
view by the eurotunnel on the way to Poland #morning #saturday #july
Day 179
mum's 80th birthday
#afternoon #sunday #july
Day 180
#morning #monday #july
Day 181
#morning #tuesday #july
Day 182
live and death - eternal dance
Camaldolese Priory at Wigry #afternoon #wednesday #july
Day 183
#thursday #afternoon #july
Day 184
#morning #friday #july
Day 185
hej mazury....
#afternoon #saturday #august
Day 186
#evening #sunday #august
Day 187
#evening #monday #august
Day 188
#evening #tuesday #august
Day 189
#evening #wednesday #august
Day 190
field festival at seagry woods 2015 #thursday #evening #august
Day 191
black beauty
cont. field festival 2015 #friday #evening #august
Day 192
the flower child at night
...and the next generation of the flower children - day 3 field festival, #saturday #night #august