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#4 331/365
1 streak
Day 1,210
The Boat
Day 1,209
Town View at Sunrise
Day 1,208
Morning Light on the canal
Day 1,207
What a lot i got
Day 1,206
Day 1,205
Day 1,204
Underneath the Arches
Day 1,203
Beneath the Willows
Day 1,202
Two Mills and a Water Tower
Day 1,201
Very early Mist
Day 1,200
Day 1,199
Big Sky
Day 1,198
Morning Haze
Day 1,197
Piny Sunset
Day 1,196
The fire of 2018 still glowing in 2019
Day 1,195
Misty Pinewood
Day 1,194
Morning Rays
Day 1,193
Sun through the Pines
Day 1,192
Pink Light
Day 1,191
Day 1,190
Mill and Mill Cottage
Day 1,189
Day 1,188
Day 1,187
Sunset Pigeon Flight