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Jennifer Faye

I'm Jennifer. I love photography, spending time with my dog, and creating just about anything.
#3 200/365
1 streak
Day 42
Hey bro, is she still there?
I followed these two around, snapping away, for at least half an hour. I was just playing around with lots of different s...
Day 49
I stood at the base of a light post for 20 minutes watching a bit black bird perched at the top, hoping to catch a cool silhouette shot whenever i...
Day 93
This just makes me laugh. So I had to share. I hope it makes you laugh too :) I followed this little guy (or girl) around for a while and got a...
Day 94
Taking a walk
#evening #monday #june
Day 95
I took photos of some construction equipment for the weekly theme, but they all looked boring and not very creative. I like this one better. I'...
Day 99
There are tons of birds around my parents' house, unfortunately they are all the the top of very tall pine trees or flying around really fas...
Day 128
Looks a little like it's getting ready to pounce. #morning #sunday #august
Day 143
Frozen in time
This little one would live in the pool if she could. Caught her coming up out of the water after jumping in #morning #monday #water #po...
Day 155
Morning Fog
#morning #saturday #august
Day 156
Unexpected visitor
I stepped outside to take Little Bit for a walk this afternoon and found this soft shell turtle walking across the sidewalk. It was...
Day 159
Atlas V Launch this morning
Just after 6am this morning as I was leaving for work, I saw the Rocket launch. It was beautiful, with the rising sun illu...
Day 239
nom nom nom #nature #afternoon #food #saturday #animal #tree #cloudy #wild #november #outside #eating #rodent #fur #squirrel #vegetation #mamma...
Day 293
Cold Squirrel
It was a little cold out this morning, and the grey skies made me think of a snowy day. I'm in Florida, however, and snow doesn't happen...
Day 297
Bird out of reach...
...with my cell phone. Work from sun up until well after sun down today. Luckily I work at a beautiful place. #bird #monday #sky...
Day 310
She's a Survivor!
Using my new 50mm 1.8! I have very little experience shooting people, but more and more friends and family are asking me to take pho...
Day 311
Hibiscus Flower
Super quick photo #outdoors #nature #afternoon #monday #flower #pink #close #outside #summer #petal #square #beauty #vibrant #february...
Day 352
Risk Taker
This isn't the best quality, so I apologize. But I wanted to share this scene out of all the photos I took today because it was very unusua...
Day 361
Just another Butterfly
#afternoon #tuesday #march
Day 384
Bird - for the Streak
I have been practicing my saxophone most of the day for a last minute audition tomorrow night, and when I did try to go out to g...
Day 390
Just a bird
#morning #wednesday #april
Day 395
That Look
Went for a walk in the park today with my boys, and was going to try and get some portraits. I forgot my 50mm though, and neither of them re...
Day 397
Peek-a-boo Caterpillar
Now that the butterfly garden has been going for a while, caterpillars are starting to show up everywhere! Creepy crawly things...
Day 400
Julia Butterfly
Its wings were shriveled, but it was still flying. #nature #saturday #green #orange #butterfly #april #julia
Day 407
We are on a little vacation, and spent some time at the beach. #afternoon #saturday #water #blue #beach #clear #may #peaceful