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The best is yet to come. Travels, books, friends, cats and food.
#3 348/365
420 streak
Day 404
Day 405
in between
#theme-city #theme-bnw
Day 417
it is a breakfast time #theme-bird
Day 446
Day 449
Day 474
Tired #theme-cat
Day 475
Spring vibes #theme-spring
Day 480
Day 481
Sleepy boy
Day 484
Preparing wood to make a gate
Day 493
Waiting for tomatoes
Day 496
60 km 🚴‍♀️done☑️
Day 501
my favourite bike path where you can smell spring
Day 534
#theme-sky #theme-pastel #theme-minimal #theme-blue
Day 543
Biking after work
Day 546
#24hourproject done 💪
Day 554
Day 557
Day 559
#theme-pattern #theme-yellow
Day 560
Short travel to Gdynia to see sun and sea. #theme-travel
Day 567
Just usual biking day #theme-sunset #theme-water
Day 569
If it fits I sits 😎 #theme-cat
Day 574
Kitty says good night
Day 577
#theme-red #theme-autumn