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The best is yet to come. Travels, books, friends, cats and food.
#3 349/365
421 streak
Day 394
Day 393
#theme-love #theme-bnw
Day 392
tibetan geese
today I met these lovely tibetan geese at the Vistula river.
Day 391
Day 390
tiger and lion
Day 389
a perfect circle
Day 388
a good nap
Day 387
#theme-winter #theme-city
Day 386
#theme-building #theme-night
Day 385
in between
#theme-concrete #theme-city #theme-building
Day 384
Day 383
#theme-winter #theme-ice
Day 382
window view
Being tired fell asleep around 10pm and woke up just 2 minutes before midnight without any photo. Hopefully I managed to open a window and...
Day 381
Day 380
snowy monday
Day 379
Day 378
Day 377
Day 376
Day 375
rainy evening
Day 374
Day 373
missing spring
when you want to take a pic of tulips...
Day 372
#theme-city #theme-metro #theme-night
Day 371
#theme-city #theme-metro