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The best is yet to come. Travels, books, friends, cats and food.
#3 348/365
420 streak
Day 492
City life #theme-concrete
Day 498
Day 509
On the go #theme-negative-space
Day 684
rust on garage door
It was supposed to be #theme-nasty but I think #rust is cool
Day 698
Franio i mucha
#theme-hunting for fun
Day 717
Day 728
a building called Młotek
Took part in a archiphoto walk in Powisle district during Festiwal Fotoforma. #autumn #modernism
Day 366
Day 394
Day 425
it is a morning routine of one of my guests - starlings. so happy to see birds on my balcony every day.
Day 462
Day 469
Day 494
Day 514
details #theme-detail
Day 532
Pan Hieronim z Częstochowy
Day 564
#theme-sky #theme-night
Day 685
surprise in photo competition
3 place! Photo taken by @magdatko - thank you so much for sending news, pure joy mine 😍
Day 687
Praska Piątka
After finish line. 5 km done during Praska Piątka run. #theme-shadow-play #theme-black-and-white #legs #shoes
Day 704
#theme-concret #theme-beton #theme-city #theme-lookup
Day 370
Day 385
in between
#theme-concrete #theme-city #theme-building
Day 402
Day 419
łaputki :)
Day 436