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Kamil Krukiewicz

#1 8/365
8 streak
Day 3
W nowy rok na zdrowo, z jabłkiem....nie ważne, że nadgryzionym #apple #night #product #computer #tuesday #black #laptop #ipad #technology #table...
Day 1
Rok zaczynam tak
Nowy rok wypadało by zacząć na spokojnie, przy dobrej książce. A może tak 52 książki w 52 tygodnie...kto wie? #morning #sunday #peopl...
Day 5
#thursday #outdoors #nature #night #landscape #water #tree #sky #winter #snow #january #season #vegetation #winter-zima-drzewo-drzewa-rzeka-riv...
Day 4
#evening #wednesday #architecture #europe #january #polska-poland-black-and-white-blackandwhite-birds-block-flat
Day 7
Carpatia Bad 
#morning #saturday #people #sport #man #january #leisure #fitness #athletics #adult #caucasian-ethnicity #badminton-sport-polska
Day 8
#morning #nature #bird #sunday #animal #wild #feather #wing #beak #january #atmosphere #stork #vertebrate #wader
Day 6
Trzech króli 
#friday #afternoon #people #woman #man #january #adult #bearing #group-people #trzech
Day 2
On the road..
#morning #road #monday #street #city #transport #january #urban-scene