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Never without my camera !!! 📸
#6 245/365
2 streak
Day 217
Grass stripes...
Stands of grass (stripes ?) and a beautiful colored sky. Simple but nice. This photo caught my eye going through my today's photos. #...
Day 218
Sunny cristal ball...
I had the afternoon off and the weather was great ! I spent one hour down at "Les bains des dames" and played around with my fil...
Day 219
Light painting...
First attempt and also the only photo I had time to take today... :O( I'm not at all happy with it ! Boo hoo ! #friday #design #nove...
Day 220
En route...
Off for the weekend... #morning #saturday #car #road #street #lights #transport #tunnel #november #blur #lines #cars #traffic #driving #sp...
Day 221
Striped greenhouse...
These are the greenhouses that are just next door to my house. The farmer grows loads of tomatoes in there all year round. I vis...
Day 222
My best friend...
Sorry, this is all I have time for today... I tried to think of something that's important to me, something that makes me me... ;O)...
Day 223
Morning pontoon...
This morning, instead of going running, I went photo hunting ! :O) #morning #lake #landscape #light #dark #tuesday #water #sky #nov...
Day 224
Golden shoe...
My colleague asked me to help her on a design project. She needed shoe photos for each season, this is the Spring one. She actually pre...
Day 225
Autumn pontoon...
This afternoon I had ten minutes before picking up my daughters at school... #thursday #outdoors #nature #lake #landscape #wood #dar...
Day 226
Birthday girl...
My little mischievous goddaughter turned five today !!! I'm so proud to be her fairy godmother !! #portrait #friday #girl #people #no...
Day 227
Sue Ellen...
Tasting wine... This is a very old carve in the canton of Vaud. #saturday #black-and-white #lights #wine #november #drinking #carve #sunb...
Day 228
Father Christmas...
Our little village held their Christmas market today. "Our" Father Christmas always arrives on a boat on the lake, walks up the mi...
Day 229
Rough lake...
It was so cold and windy today. I spent 10 minutes down at the lakeside and still got freezing cold hands. The colors of the water were...
Day 230
Sunset through the branches...
This is my daughters' choice. I was hesitating with a daisy with autumn leaves in the background but this the shot they...
Day 231
Silver shoes...
Another photo shot with my colleague for her design project ! It was great fun again ! Two more to do and then we'll be done ! :O( And...
Day 232
Moon's meeting with the sun...
Taking my daughter to her basketball practice, I just had to stop and capture this beautiful sunset with the moon peepi...
Day 233
I didn't really have time to take any satisfactory photos today... I could have but then I would have upset two lovely girls who were cou...
Day 234
Festive lights...
It's Saturday and that's usually the day when I take loads of photos. It was past five o'clock before I got my camera out !!! I was...
Day 235
Help ! I'm drowning...
This is kind of how I feel ! :O/ Christmas is getting closer and everything seems hectic ! I've got to pull myself together and...
Day 236
It's my post !!
The weather was bleak and foggy today and the gulls down at the lake weren't sharing ! I tried another effect on this photo, it's grai...
Day 237
Autumn in a ball...
Fog, mist, cold temperatures... This is typical autumn weather with its beautiful colors. #autumn #lake #tuesday #fog #brown #oran...
Day 238
No inspiration...
:O( No time or inspiration today. Pfff ! #selfie #wood #wednesday #red #floor #people #shoes #me #december #boots #red-dress
Day 239
Got down to the lake just at the right time... #thursday #nature #lake #landscape #light #dark #water #sea #blue #sky #sunrise #cloud #sunse...
Day 240
Fast asleep
When I walked my youngest daughter to school this morning, we found a little hedgehog fast asleep on a bench in the playground. We can't i...