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Never without my camera !!! 📸
#6 245/365
2 streak
Day 337
Busy lake at dawn...
The fishermen where on their way home and the four rowers had just started their outing. I zoomed in and found out that they are...
Day 338
Kakapo back at school...
I took my little visitor into class with me this morning. I got all my pupils to stand together with him and took this shot f...
Day 339
Quick macro...
A quick macro photo before I leave to celebrate my wedding anniversary with my beloved hubby... #saturday #detail #flower #macro #sharp...
Day 340
Back home after a day and night spent with my lovely hubby ! Felt strange (but also nice) to not have the kids running around us ! Actually i...
Day 341
Subtle light at dawn...
I went down to the lake to start the week off with serenity. This was the view down there... It's like therapy !! :O) #morning...
Day 342
Brave rowers...
I took this photo of the sun peaking through the clouds this morning. It's only when I uploaded it to my computer that I spotted the f...
Day 343
Giant n° 2
I've been wanting to stop off at this crossroad to capture these enormous pylons for ages... I cross them every morning going to work. I fi...
Day 344
Playing with water...
#thursday #sphere #bubble #ball #brass #march #cornet #globule
Day 345
These are my pupils paintings... They had to do a sunset and cut out a silhouette of a city ! No time for anything else... #friday #color...
Day 346
Spotted this little boy this morning at an inauguration. I thought he was cute and the title "Lines" came up as an evidence. He has them all...
Day 347
I had about ten minutes to do my today's photo. I chose my macro lens and sped out into the garden. The light wasn't fantastic but this was t...
Day 348
St-Prex lake... ;O)
This is what one of my pupils called it ! So funny ! It's actually the lac Léman ! The clocks changed this weekend and now when I...
Day 349
This is what my daughter wrote on the window of my car this morning. How can you not have a nice day when it starts like this ?? <3 #tuesda...
Day 350
Somebody was sad to see that I hadn't taken any photos of the rising sun yesterday ! I post photos on FB nearly everyday and some of my FB f...
Day 351
The sky was actually a beautiful blue this morning but I took this capture of the "Balise" with a dramatic filter and then lightened it up...
Day 352
Three rowers...
There's a rower missing this morning, they're normally four !! It must be a great sensation as to glide on the lake early at dawn. It...
Day 353
Spring cleaning...
Spring-cleaning... We all had a chore this morning to clean the house ready for Spring. My younger daughter had to clean the balcon...
Day 354
This is a typical photo of the region I live in, la Côte ! It's covered in vineyards and wine tasting is commun around here. A Swiss para...
Day 355
Swan @ dawn...
The other days, two swans were flying by just as I was getting out of the car ! This morning, there was only one and it was gliding on...
Day 356
Morning rays of light...
I actually had an hour's worth of photography all to myself this morning. It was great ! The down side is that I've got so ma...
Day 357
Some kids have been here and drawn on this pontoon. I love children's drawings, they're always colorful and innocent ! I wonder who K & C...
Day 358
Quick dandelion that I forgot to publish before I went out tonight !!!!! So here it is now !! #thursday #april
Day 359
Runny nose...
The wind had calmed down, the sun was out and I had an hour down at the lake with my younger daughter in a park. Life is beautiful ! And...
Day 360
Sisterly love...
We had lunch outside on a terrasse and the girls went and sat on the wall at the end of the garden... A moment in paradise !! #saturd...